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We believe that every dollar has a


Let us help you discover yours.



The Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams rating algorithm is based on the previous year’s industry experience, interviews, compliance records, assets under management, revenue and other criteria by SHOOK Research, LLC, which does not receive compensation from the advisors or their firms in exchange for placement on a rating. Investment performance is not a criterion. Self-completed survey was used for rating. This rating is not related to the quality of the investment advice and based solely on the disclosed criteria. Fee paid for use of logo.

We believe in your future.

When you work with us, we bring a spirit of loyalty, service, and an unwavering commitment to your success. We’re excited to serve you and are ready to help you define your financial goals and take care of the important people in your life. 


$1.8 B

Assets Under Management as of December 2023, starting with $27M in 2000




Doubling our staff since 2010 to help ensure you get the time and care




Registrations, Licenses & Certifications among staff


We believe in working together.

We believe in open dialogue and the sharing of new insights. You will have the chance to interact with many members of our team because we understand the value of having a deep bench. Our team is always there for you.


We believe in giving back to our community.

Investment goes beyond serving our clients and translates directly to helping the people and community we serve. We give our time and care to help ensure that our actions have a positive impact on our community. 


Family at Outdoor Event

1. As of Dec 31, 2023.

2. As of Dec 31, 2023.

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